DAY 1 – Current Weight.. Unknown (but definitely over 150 lbs)
I’ve decided to start losing some weight recently because I just haven’t been feeling well lately. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with being a smoker, doing no exercise, and eating whatever I want whenever I want. All during my life I have been underweight, and in high school weighed between 98 and 104 lbs, I was very active and involved with gymnastics and swimming. Now that I’m older I really just haven’t been that into exercising or dieting. Last summer I got a YMCA membership and started going to the gym… I felt a lot better about myself and started having more energy. Then some bullshit happened in my life and I was like… F it. However, recently I decided that I hate having to buy clothes in the double digits and not be comfortable what so ever swimming at the gym or sitting in class or anything else. So.. I put together a plan for myself and it goes like this….
2. Slimfast
3. Nutrisystem
4. Yoga 4 x a week
Alright So I received my Sensa, I bought two cases of Slimfast and, I ordered about a month’s worth of Nutrisystem off of Ebay. There is no way I’m paying $400 for one month of Nutrisystem food… It’s super expensive and full of preservatives and salt..but I think it might have some merit for on the go eating. I also bought a yoga mat off of Ebay (it came with a case and free shipping), and there’s a TON of Yoga and different exercise videos of Netflix and I’m going to start with the easiest on Monday night plus I’ve decided not to eat anything after 10 pm… or Slimfast and raw Veggies only.
Okay so there is my plan..I’m going to do it for two months and see what happens. Since today is Day 1 of Sensa I’ll tell you how that’s going. And also for those of you who don't know Sensa is an appetite suppressant so that when you do eat, you eat smaller portions. When I woke up around 1pm I made myself a hotdog with slaw, a bun, and mayo… AND… you guessed it..Sprinkled some Sensa on it. I ate about half of my hotdog and I was full. Later on because it’s kind of chilly in Florida today I made a huge pot of Shrimp, Crawfish, & Sausage Etouffee. I fixed myself a bowl and Sprinkled some Sensa on it. I ate about half the bowl and I was full. That was around 4:30 and even though I am a little hungry I will probably have a snack of Veggies at 6:30 and then finish my hotdog and bowl of Etouffee for dinner at 8:30. I’m sure that this diet so far sounds super weird to you because I haven’t done any exercising yet and the foods I mentioned aren’t anywhere near diet food, but I’m taking some small steps at first. If I can keep up with what I have done so far for the next two days I will be off to a good start. And I start yoga tomorrow. : ) Wish me luck…